This is the eTAS (Personnel Management, e-Learning and Training Administration System) homepage. Here you can find information about new versions, screenshots, frequently asked questions and documentation of eTAS.
What is eTAS?
eTAS is a training, administration and learning management system (LMS) developed by Mazda Austria. With the start in April 2009 (FY 144), eTAS will be available in more than thirty European countries. In 2010 (FY 145) MC decided to introduce eTAS also in 3 of the so called 4A markets (Middle East, Latin America and South East Asia). eTAS will be available in nearly 60 countries worldwide.
Release Notes for:
All other features are available on the features page.
Version 3.0
Release notes for version 3.0 please visit the eTAS3 site.
Version 2.7
Report Course Closure - new filter
New filter have been added to differentiate between company type and organization type.
HR Module - show courses at education
The HR- module contains also all courses that are also passed in eTAS. This list contains all courses from "my courses", that have the status "participated" or "successfully".
HR - update of the headcount report
The HC report has been reworked. On the left site you will see letters like I, E or S, they stand for the type of the user (Internal, External or System). On the right side there is now a column (specifics), in which a Hr Manager can insert some information of the employee.
Right of it is a commentary field with the separation date, this is automatically created, if the employee has an ending date.
On the bottom you can see which employee types are taken for the calculation of the headcount or workforce. Employees with no employee type are not in the list and are not added in calculation for the headcount or workforce.
Courseregistration - count registration?
Now there is the possibility that one registration counts for 0 to 2 people.
Block solutions/results on the course page
If the results/solutions should be visible can now be set from the course page instead of the coursedate page, only for courses which have no coursedates.
Version 2.6
Default course requirements for course providers
Under "Preferences - Course-provider preferences" you now can define default course requirements per course-provider. If a new course is created it will automatically get this default course requirements.
To create/edit a new default course requirement simply click on the yellow triangle. The process is the same as with the normal course requirements.
Course search via language
It's possible now to search for courses of a specific language.
Remark: if a course has no language assigned you have to select "- all -" in order to find it!
Course registration: count registration?
Now you have the possibility to define whether a registration should be counted or not. A registration which does not count could be useful for example if internal employees attend a course without reducing the available seats.
Remark: this option is only available to users who have the permission to overbook a course.
Count best results
The overview in "My Results" will now only show the best results of your course tests! Of course, it is still possible to view all your other results:
When you click the icon above, a pop-up window will show you all your other course test or e-Learning results.
Version 2.4.x
My Sessions and My Suggestions
The page "My Sessions" has been split to "My Sessions" and "My Suggestions", so now the e-Learnings can be found at "My Sessions"
and all the upcoming course dates, that are available for a user, at "My Suggestions".
Report Userqualifications
- The report was updated to include active/inactive icons of companies and users.
- Course names are 90 degrees rotated to have a better view on the table.
New Requirement: user type
The requirements have been extended by the user type (internal, external, system).
Version 2.1.x
Feedback - from trainees or authorized employees
Now it is possible for the trainee or authorized employees to give feedback.
 : If you see this icon you are not able to give any feedback, either its not available or already done.
 : At this icon it is possible to give the feedback for this attandee.
Version 1.11
"Good news everyone!"
Version 1.11 was successfully installed on July, 14th 2010
Course groups / course categories
There is a new feature called course groups, which could be used to get a better classification of courses.
It is also possible to search for the course categories in the normal course search.
eFeedback report
You always wanted to have an evaluation for an eFeedback? This is now possible!
With the new eFeedback report you get an overview of the responses of traders and firms.
eFeedback reminder
You still got no answer to an eFeedback? Then send a reminder email out to users and companies.
This is possible with a new feature of version 1.11!
Use this icon to send a reminder-mail to the users and companies.
The users and companies get sent the link by email for the eFeedback again.
Internet Explorer 8 tested
From now on, eTAS could used with the IE8 from Microsoft. The application was tested with the IE8 and no errors occurred.
HR E-Learning
With the new version you can additionally define a role or market as a requirement for an e-learning.
Version 1.10.x
The version 1.10 got installed on the server on the 8th of April 2010 and includes the following new feature:
Version 1.9.x
The version 1.9.7 got installed on the server on the 3rd of March 2010 and includes several new features:
The version 1.9.6 got installed on the 27th of January 2010. There are some new features and changes:
Online Tests
Now there is a page that summarizes all tests from a user. The new page can be accessed via
the quick menu on the left side or with the following icon:
On this page you will find all the user tests, which can currently done by you
This section shows all tests, that have been assigned from the officer of a course.
This "user tests" have already been created and you can also find them in
the "Users menu -> Online Test(s)" section.
In this area there are all tests for which no course date is required.
These tests can be started directly with the play icon.
After the play icon was pressed for the first time you will find the
course also in the "Users menu -> Online Test (s)" section.
All courses, which are listed here have a play symbol. With this symbol, the associated user test (to the course) can be started.
My Offers
Did you always wanted to know, which courses you or your department already have/has been created?
No problem! There is a new page "My Offers", which can accurately answer this question.
The new page can be accessed via the quick menu on the left side or with the following icon:
In this area, there are several options that can be used to create better results.
From left to right you have the following options:
Show only active courses
Show only virtual (e-Learning's)
Show only self created courses
Show only courses which were created by the currently selected department.
In this area, the symbol for a self created course is displayed.
Version 1.9.5 got installed on the 3rd of December and we have made something completely new, some improvements and some (minor) bug fixing:
HR Module
Now there is a page, which puts all HR features together:
 On this page you can find all related HR reports as well as an overview of the markets/sub-companies and their employees.
In this area the total headcount, the number of employees together with their status (active, inactive) and their user type (internal, external, system user) is displayed.
Another overview of the headcount and the number of employees can be found here. In addition, you can access the Headcount Excel Export, Birthday Finder/Anniversary Finder, a list of employees and the Organization Chart with the action buttons.
From this overview you can get detailed information about employees. This information consists of the cost center (IT, HR, Marketing, ...), the employee type (Blue color, White color, Temporary Stuff), the employment status (trainee, apprentice, temporary stuff, part-time, full-time, retired) and the actual assigned headcount.
Headcount Excel Export
A detailed analysis of the headcount statistic can be exported into Excel.

Additionally, you can request a Headcount Reminder Mail:
Birthday Finder/Anniversary Finder
eTAS helps you to find state occasions like birthdays or anniversaries.

You want to know when an employee celebrates his birthday in the near future? No problem! You can use the Birthday Finder and you will get a list with employees and their birthday in the upcoming days.

If you want, you can again request a Birthday Reminder Mail:

Are you planning to celebrate an anniversary for a colleague? Then use the Anniversary Finder.
Individual Feedback Requests
With 1.9.0 we introduced a new feature set: Customizable Feedbacks. With this you can create your own questions and possible answers and send
the request for feedback to all people in a market! Sounds incredible? It is :)

You start here by selecting a market and creating an eFeedback for any course provider. Furthermore, you can also edit or preview an existing eFeedback. The preview shows the look and feel of the eFeedback, which the user will later see.

Here you can enter the mail content as well as the questions and answers for the eFeedback.

If you want to send the eFeedback, you can choose between three different options: company and company contacts. With version 1.9.5 it is now possible to send the eFeedback to a self defined group of persons by using the user group option.

After you send the eFeedback, all selected user will get this mail with your given text and a personalized link to the feedback page ...

... bringing the user directly to his eFeedback, where he can enter all data and send it back within minutes.
If this isn't cool, I don't know what else :)
Just a note: We are at the beginning and some features are still to come in the next versions (different reports, ...).
More information is available here.
Sales Module
The new Sales Module is the place, where you can find more details about the companies of a market. This page allows you to quickly access the eFeedback and the News Administration. Moreover, a graphic of the company types, a company list and a map is displayed.

On the map you find the locations of the individual companies. Each company type has its own colored marker. If you click on the marker a balloon appears, which contains the detailed address information.
Organization Chart
Do you ever wanted to view an organization chart of your company? You can do it now. In the following image you can see the parent company as well as the child companies of MSWE (Mazda South West Europe).

This is insufficient for you? You want to see the hierarchy of the employees and their supervisor? No problem! This is also possible with eTAS. In the following example you see the supervisor and the subordinated employees of Friedrich Satschen. If you click on an employee, a business card opens, which displays the most important contact information.
With this feature you can represent the complete command hierarchy of a company!
Enhanced Company Search
Now you can search for internal and external companies. Furthermore, you can display only active, inactive or both types of companies.
eLearning Overview
All eLearning courses can be found on this page. There you can see the number of user, which meet the requirements, at a glance. You can also have a look at the requirements and change them (if you have the adequate permissions).
Store selected department
Since version 1.9.4 the selected department will be saved on the logout. After re-login your previous choice is selected again. You can also define yourself, which department should be selected on login.
Duplicate search for markets
Each market can now search for its duplicate entries of users. These rights will be updated in the near future and be available to all NSC.
Default Role
Ever tried to create a user, who couldn't log in because he or she didn't have an authorization role? Probably. :)
From now on every new user, who is created in eTAS or comes via MUM, a default role will be assigned depending on the users' company!

To every structure type in eTAS a default role is now assigned. If none exists, the user will get the role which is specified in the global preferences.
Versions 1.8.x
Version 1.8.8 was released on 22nd of July 2009. All 1.8.x versions are more or less bug fixing and service call related versions. Or as Scotty would say, ' The structural integrity has been restored, Captain!' Here is a rather short list of new features - more are coming with version 1.9 :)
Sortable course dates
By major request, the course dates (both upcoming and finished) are now sortable for the various columns.
Send administration mail, when no courses are available
eTAS offers the possibility to let user register to courses by their own. Though sometimes it happens that a user does not have any courses to choose in the second registration step. This can happen to either missing courses or badly configured course requirements.
Anyhow the market administrator will now get a short notice, that there is an active user, who does not have any courses to choose. Further steps should then be taken by the administrator.
Choose the course provider
Again something for administrators: By creating a new course, the current selected department will not be taken anymore as the default course provider. Instead there is a drop-down list, where the provider can be chosen.
Setting properties for an e-Learning

The e-Learning packages in eTAS are now configurable and the administrator can now provide the width and height of the pop-up window (which will appear, when the user starts the e-Learning) and the type of display: either LYTEBOX, where the e-Learning is an overlay of the current page or BROWSER, which will open a new browser window. In addition the old mail icon has been changed to a check box.
All changes regarding width, height, type of display or mail sending option must now be saved with the disk icon!
e-Learning Report
A highlight of the 1.8.8 version: a new report for all Excel junkies out there ;)
The report shows if and how well the user participated at the various e-Learning courses. The column 'Participants' shows how many user of a single company were able to attend the course (e.g. restricted by profession, course requirements, ...). The 'Started' column shows how often the e-Learning was started (counting only once per user). The 'Done' column shows the number of users, which finalized the package (either by viewing it or doing the test). The columns 'Success' and 'Failed' display the count of how many users passed and how many failed the e-Learning.

You can also view a more detailed version of the report, showing every single user.
new e-Learning page
We have made some improvements to the layout of your e-learnings. There is a new page, which contains all your current e-learnings. Each e-learning is divided into three sections: 1) The image, where you get to the start page for the e-learnings. 2) The course title, where you get to the course itself and 3) where you eventually can see a checkmark, if you succeeded in ALL packages of this course. |
Upcoming Sessions
Additionally, we've also added a list of upcoming training sessions, which you may attend. The list shows you the next ten available sessions depending on your profile. Note, that it these are only a sample of all available sessions for you. Use the course search to get all or preferred trainings.
Sundry Billing for MMDK and MMP
Together with Denmark and Portugal we now have a count of 13 markets which can transfer accounting data from eTAS to SAP.
e-Learning Mailing
With version 1.7 we introduced the multiple SCORM packages (more than one e-Learning for a course) and so came the wish of many markets to control the sending of e-mails after attending a package. With 1.8.2 the administrator can now choose between sending and not sending mails.
We have had several requests of our users that the course feedback does not work.
Well ... it works, but not for you! Or better said: not for your language ;-)
If you are assigned to a feedback, it may have a different language than your current one. The software was only looking for a feedback in your current language and so it decided to print an error message instead.
We have fixed that and will show you the appropriate message and the available feedback languages for this course.
By the way: If you do not give us feedback, everything was super! If it wasn't, we can't know without your feedback.
Administrators may set a course to participated in the My Career page. If so, they must enter a comment, which can be viewed afterwards.
Release of Version 1.7
eTAS 1.7 has been installed on 10th of March 2009.
We have made a lot of changes! Hopefully some in your interest :-)
New e-Learning
We have changed the full workflow around e-learnings. We now use Web 2.0 technology like AJAX. This was necessary for various reasons (robustness) but mainly for the new Customer Service e-Learnings introducing the new Mazda 3. For you, the user, the changes should be subtle and you should be able to work easier and faster with the e-Learnings.
Last but not least: We have now the possibility to define multiple packages for one course. Meaning, that you have to attend all packages to successfully participate in an online course. One advantage to this is that the packages are getting shorter and therefore you will have a better learning experience.
Assign Training Paths Individually
Prior it was only possible to assign user to the whole qualification path. With this new version, user may also be assigned to the first, second (and so forth) level of a complete path. For example: The whole Technician path consisted of Technician, Senior Technician and Master Technician level. Now user may only attend courses till they reach the Technician or Senior Technician level.
New Course Requirement
We have added a new course requirement: e-Learning. Courses can now have such a requirement, to ensure user have attended successfully an (or multiple) online training.
Sundry Billing now active for many Markets
MMUK, MMIRL, MMI and MMH can now transfer all accounting data from eTAS to SAP. Those join the already available markets: MAG, MMD, MMS, MMN, MMNL, MMB and MS!
News & Newsletters
We have now another feature to bring you the latest news from eTAS. On your start page are now news regarding eTAS and Mazda. You can also subscribe to receive the news as email.
MUM Advanced Provisioning
MUM has evolved and so does eTAS. Data is now exchanged via an Invoker, together with roles. So the days of double administration are nearly over.
New Course Images
The course images from the new Mazda Masters Curriculum Training are now available in eTAS.
Legal Issues now Configurable
The course provider departments for legal issues of MAF or MMD are now configurable in the preferences.
Legal Issue: GAP
A new course type has been introduced for MMD legal issues: GAP - "Gasanlagenprüfung"
Certificates for e-Learnings
You can now print your own certificate for each successfully attended e-Learning!
Internal/External/System Users
We have added a new attribute to the user, to indicate whether he or she is an internal or external or a system user.
Internal/External Companies
We have done the same to companies as for users (see above).
Trainer Assignment
We completely rebuild the trainer assignment to allow a more flexible approach.
Looking forward to it ;-)
PDF Upload for Qualification Paths
Upload a PDF file to each individual qualification path.
Company Overview
A new feature has made it into eTAS: an overview about companies and their sub companies. This shows how the companies are related to each other in a company tree.
Additional Functions in HR Module
Some new functions are available in the HR Module. Additional information are - Band
- Grade
- department family
- and much more ...
Also the PDF print out has been revised.
Layout Changes
Some small changes are made to the layout. We have added the new VI logo of Mazda and also a new footer, VI style.
Release of Version 1.6.3
eTAS 1.6.3 has been installed on 23rd of December 2008.
Single Sign On
With this version you are able to use Single Sign On through the Mazda Portal. This feature is coordinated by each market - so please call your market administrator to get further details.
Release of Version 1.6.2
eTAS 1.6.2 has been installed on 2nd of December 2008.
Sundry Billing with different currencies
Since version 1.6.2 different currencies can be used within eTAS for sundry billing. This affects United Kingdom (British Pounds) and Sweden (Kronen).
Cyrillic characters in certificates
Certificates can be printed with Cyrillic (e.g. Russian) and Greek characters.
If there is no specific template for your market, than you can always print the common global template with the selected language.
Start time of course dates
The starting time of a course date is now displayed on the course date overview.
Messages of new course dates
When you create a new course date, you may now select, which user on the waiting- or mandatory list will receive a message regarding the new course date.
Searching for regions
The company search has been enhanced to provide the search for regions.
Academic title
The title field of the user was renamed to "Academic Title".
User groups
User groups can be found via the menu User -> User Groups. A new group can be created with the  icon.
Course numbers
Course numbers are now only unique within a market. For this, Germany and Spain may have the same course number but a localized course name.
Course requirements
The pop-up window was enhanced to show the actual number of user, who fulfill the requirements given.
Registration via course-date page
It is now possible to register via the course date page. If the requirements for the selected user are not met, the button will not be shown.
HTML e-Mails
Mails are now rendered with HTML.
Additionally there is a warning, if the mail was send by a test environment.
So if you receive a mail with " +++ ATTENTION! This mail was sent from a test environment +++", you can ignore it.
Release of Version 1.6.1
eTAS 1.6.1 has been installed on 4th November 2008.
Overview of the new Features:
e-Learning based on the AJAX-Technology
Installation of Java is not necessary anymore. This is a big improvement in usability.
Portal integration
eTAS can be started directly out of the Mazda Portal. There will be an update on this feature soon.
You will not need to enter login-data (username & password) in the future, when you start eTAS from Mazda Portal.
Improved date picker
Fill-out rate
The fill-out rate of user data is shown as diagram at every user.
Most wanted users
The most active users of the actual market are shown on the eTAS start page.
New eTAS Logo
A new eTAS-logo has been designed.
Improved & dynamic integration of Google Maps
Addresses of companies, hotels & course locations are shown as aerial view dynamically based on the stored company data.
Relation between selected user and selected company is shown
HR-data (Human Resources)
Now it is possible to add a lot of more personal details to users.
e.g.: Details on their education, career, skills, ...
It is possible to generate a consisting curriculum vitae based on this information. It can be exported and saved as PDF.
Re-design of eTAS-Menu
The eTAS-Menu got a new design and animation.
This update was relevant because of multilingualism. eTAS is available in more than 20 languages.
Belated booking of hotel rooms
Now it is possible to book hotel rooms after the registration of a certain course took place.
Performance improvement
extensive changes on the system and on the database have been made to improve the performance while using eTAS.